Bank News

Protect Your Account From Fraud

Keeping your accounts and information secure and confidential is one of Huron Valley State Bank’s important responsibilities. Unfortunately forged checks and debit card fraud is on the rise and hackers are becoming even more sophisticated to make unauthorized purchases or withdraw cash from your account. When your debit card is used fraudulently or a fraudster gets access to your account, the money goes missing instantly. Payments scheduled or checks mailed may bounce, and you may not be able to afford necessities. It can take a while for the fraud to be cleared up and the money restored to your account.

Huron Valley State Bank Financial Literacy Program Commences

2019-2020 Bank at School Partnership with Five Local Elementary Schools

Huron Valley State Bank (HVSB) and five local elementary schools, Spring Mills, Johnson, Heritage, Country Oaks and Kurtz opened for the first banking day in November for the Bank-At-School program.  This is a student run bank located inside each of the schools that teaches hands-on financial literacy, money management, and provides for a real life banking experience.  Fifth grade students applied and interviewed for positions earlier in the school year and were trained for actual banking jobs to accept money from their fellow classmates to deposit into the bank. The Bank at School program runs once a month in each of the elementary schools from November to May, with a celebration at the

Huron Valley State Bank Celebrates Annual Money Smart Poster Contest

Huron Valley State Bank hosted a poster contest for elementary age students in the Huron Valley district during the month of May. The Bank asked the students to create a poster in response to the phrase, "Saving Money Makes Cents.” There was a $25 cash reward for the best poster by grade level and a grand prize cash award of $100. Posters were submitted at the end of the month, judged by employees of the bank and displayed at the Highland and Milford Branch for two weeks. The poster winners are as follows:

Huron Valley State Bank Supports Money Smart Week

Money Smart Week, a nationally-sponsored campaign dedicated to helping families better manage their financial resources is held the last week of April. To support this program, Huron Valley State Bank hosted a poster contest for elementary age students in the Huron Valley district and presented a segment on financial literacy to families at the Highland White Lake Business Association’s Money Camp.

Huron Valley State Bank Celebrates

Another Year Of Bank at School Partnerships

Huron Valley State Bank (HVSB) and four local elementary schools, Spring Mills, Johnson, Heritage and Country Oaks celebrated the success of the Bank-At-School program.  This is a student run bank located inside of the school that teaches hands-on financial literacy, money management, and provides for real life banking experience.  Students applied and interviewed for positions earlier in the year, and were trained for actual banking positions to accept money from their fellow classmates to deposit into the bank. The schools celebrate the end of the year program with a ceremonial pizza party at which all student bank employees and customers enjoy lunch, games and prizes. 


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