Huron Valley State Bank Supports Money Smart Week
Money Smart Week, a nationally-sponsored campaign dedicated to helping families better manage their financial resources is held the last...
Huron Valley State Bank Celebrates
Huron Valley State Bank (HVSB) and four local elementary schools, Spring Mills, Johnson, Heritage and Country Oaks celebrated the...
Plant Investment Seeds Now For Tomorrow
The bank is offering great rates on Certificates of Deposit. You can earn 1.35% APY* on a 9 month CD, 1.80% APY* on a 15...
Huron Valley State Bank Employees Give Back to...
Once a month, Huron Valley State Bank holds a special Casual for a Cause (Jean’s Day). This program allows employees to wear...
The Huron Valley Promise
The Huron Valley Promise was created in 2009 by a group of area business, education, government and civic leaders dedicated to improving...
Huron Valley State Bank Announces the ...
Huron Valley State Bank is pleased to announce the partnership with Country Oaks Elementary School for the “Bank at School”...
Welcome to the New Website
We’re excited to announce that Huron Valley State Bank has “upped our game” on the web and is pleased to introduce you...
Huron Valley State Bank Employees Provided...
Employees at Huron Valley State Bank donated items to fill large Thanksgiving baskets with all the fixings for four families in the...