Huron Valley State Bank Collaborates with Open Door Outreach Center
Making Birthdays Brighter
In the spirit of community and charitable giving, the employees of Huron Valley State Bank organized a heartwarming collection throughout the month of July to support the Open Door Outreach Center’s Birthday Bag program. Items were donated on August 7th, 2024.
The collection yielded an assortment of items including cake mixes, frostings, sprinkles, candles, gift bags, party favors, balloons, plates, utensils, and toys. These items will be used to create birthday bags and provided to children in our community to create a memorable birthday celebration.
“We are thrilled to once again partner with Open Door Outreach Center for this program,” said Eric Shubitowski, Compliance Analyst at the Bank. “Milestones are very important, and we thank our community for their support to help us collect items to make a child’s birthday feel special.” The employees that organized the program are part of the bank’s marketing committee, comprised of Nancy Gomez, Rebecca LeDuc, Sheri Miles and Eric Shubitowski.
“The need is greater than ever for children of all ages” said Mandie (Tillie) Coffey-Raymond Interim Executive Director/ Thrift Store Manager of Open Door Outreach Center, “Birthdays represent moments of joy and celebration and we are so grateful for all the gratuitous donations from Huron Valley State Bank.”